About Us

Anurag Raut

Hi! I myself a Mechanical Engineer and the founder of Mad Diary, a Passionate Blogger, who loves to share the informative content on Blogging, Affiliate Marketing and Investing ideas, and many more.

I have been experienced in Blogging for more than 1+ years and in Investing since 2017.

I started my blogging journey at the beginning of the year 2019. I started my first blog on Blogger. I have written so many contents over there and ranked my website on the Google search engine.

During that period I faced a lot of issues but I resolved those issues promptly and ranked my website on one of the biggest search engines in the world and that is the Google search engine.

I started my Investing journey in the year 2017. I made my Investment portfolio as well as my clients also, who approached me for Investment purposes. I have made too many successful Investing portfolios.

So I learned a lot from my as well as my colleague’s experiences which is worth sharing with my readers. Shared details will be based on new learning and experiments we have done to date, so will be easy to implement and effective for better results.

I welcome you all to my little world to grab best of my experiences and findings.

Our Commitment

We are the part of “maddiary.com” and we are committed to our readers and viewers that, you will get the Correct and Quality Information based on the facts. Our aim is to build our website such that you could trust blindly.

We always try to make a platform that you will get the fruitful information of our experience and learning from various sources, so you could overcome fraud and wrongly advertise ideas.

Keep Learning Because Life Never Stop Teaching


Anurag Raut
