Generally, the walls, ceilings, and floors of apartment rooms are partially divided with another landlord and for this reason, if your neighbors talk in a loud voice or play music, then your peace is disturbed. To get rid of this, you need to soundproof your room.
But now a question that will be raising in your mind is how to soundproof a room in an apartment, so here we came with the solution to your question. So let’s see,
How To Soundproof A Room In An Apartment
Actually, a room is a combination of walls, door, window, ceiling, and floor. If you want to soundproof a room then you have to soundproof these combinations of rooms first and as soon as you soundproof them, your room will be soundproof by itself.
So let’s start to soundproof these combinations of rooms first. So let’s begin from the door first,
1. Soundproof A Door
The door is the main entrance for people as well as air also, and you all know that sound waves travel through the air so the door is the major source of the noise pollution that’s why soundproofing of the door is a priority.
Soundproofing a door drastically reduces the intensity of sound waves. You can soundproof a door easily by applying the following methods.
👉 Always Use Solid Wooden Door
You must have seen that in most of the flats only hollow doors are used. Hollow doors do not prove to be as effective to stop the sound as solid doors do.

The STC rating of the hollow doors is also less as compared to solid doors as well as the wooden material have also the soundproof properties which help to reduce the intensity of noise so always use a solid wooden door for better soundproofing results.
👉 Fill Up Holes And Cracks If Any

Even a small hole or crack can ruin your soundproofing project so check your door carefully or do the light test and find out the gaps, holes, or cracks if available on the door and fix it up with the help of all-purpose filler or wood filler.
👉 Use Door Sweep
You must have seen that there is always a small gap between the door and the floor. That little gap can also disturb your peace so fill that gap with the help of a door sweep.

Door sweep creates the hurdle for the sound waves and it resists the sound waves to pass through it. In this way, it reduces the noise level and makes your room soundproof. It doesn’t completely block the sound but somehow it works.
👉 Use Weatherstrip To The Door Frame

When you close the door then you must have seen that there is always a small gap on its periphery between these two faces of door and door frame. This small gap may disturb your peace and that’s why you have to fill this gap with the help of a weatherstrip.
This weatherstrip creates a hurdle for sound energy as well as absorbs the sound waves when the sound waves pass through them. In this way, it reduces the noise level and makes your room soundproof. It doesn’t completely reduce the sound but somehow it works.
👉 Attach Soundproof Blanket Over The Door
Soundproof blanket is also a good option for soundproofing the door.

The sound waves collide to the hard and flat surfaces and bounce back to the source with increasing frequency and this is how the echo is generated and to stop this echo, soundproof blankets are put on the hard and flat surfaces and the door is one of them.
Soundproof blankets absorb the sound, whether it is the sound coming from the outside, or else the sound is going out. In both cases, it works well but it doesn’t completely absorb the sound.
It absorbs 25 to 60 percent of the sound but it all depends upon its quality which means which type of quality material do you use in. Better quality material gives better absorption as well as a better NRC rating also.
👉 Add Another Mass (MLV/Drywall) To The Door
Yes, you can add another layer of mass to your door for better soundproofing, and for that, you can use MLV or drywall. MLV or Drywall is a good sound blocker and also it has a good STC rating.

Whenever you apply an MLV or drywall to the door then use the green glue compound in between them because it is a soundproofing compound and when we use it in between two stuff then it works better.
If you are worried about the look of your door after applying MLV to the door then you can attach a soundproof blanket over it.
Of note, when you add an extra layer of mass to your door then the weight of the door is increased so always ensure the strength of the hinges of your door before applying the extra layer of mass.
2. Soundproof A Window
The second main source of air is the window. Air can easily enter your room through the window, and as you know that the sound waves travel through the air and that’s why your window should always be soundproof as well as leakproof also.
If your window is not soundproof then do not worry, here we are going to tell you some simple methods, by following which you will also be able to soundproof your window.
👉 Fix Up Holes And Cracks If Any

If there are holes or cracks in the window or around the window then you have to fix it up with the help of an acoustic sealant or replace it up with a new one. By doing this, you are not only preventing the air from going in, but you are also saving on your energy bill.
👉 Use Weatherstripping
The weatherstrip is a foam strip used to seal the gap. It is mostly used to seal the gap between the window and the window frame as well as the door and the door frame.

Whenever we close the window then there is always a small gap left in between the window and the window frame or you can also say that the two hard faces are not able to block the sound and that’s why the weatherstrip comes into the picture.
If you want to make your room soundproof then the very first step is to make your window soundproof and a weatherstrip is a good option to make your window soundproof.
Weatherstrip is a very affordable product and also very easy to install. Weatherstrip does not block the sound completely but somehow it helps to reduce the sound.
You can apply a weatherstrip around the periphery of your window and protect your room from the draft, dust, insects, and sound pollution.
👉 Use Window Inserts

Window inserts are one of the good options available to make your window soundproof. It is readily available in the market or you can also make it yourself by just buying a window insert kit.

It is an extra layer of glass that we can add to our window by just inserting it into our window frame cavity, but make sure that there should be at least a 1/2 inch gap in between them for better soundproofing results.
👉 Use Soundproofing Curtains
A soundproof curtain is another good and affordable option to make your window soundproof. Soundproofing curtains look like ordinary curtains but they are made of thicker and denser material.

Soundproofing curtains do not only help to reduce the noise but also help to keep light away because they are soundproof as well as blackout curtains. They are thicker, denser, and heavier and that’s why its NRC rating is also good.
It is very easy to install, you can simply hang it on the rod now you have done it. Here you can achieve three things only by using single this single product and that is, keep light away, reduces noise level, and beautify your room.
👉 Use Acoustic Blanket
Yes, an acoustic blanket you can also use on the windows for reducing the intensity of sound but the thing is that when you use it on the window then there is no sunlight coming into your room through this window, and this is the only drawback of this acoustic blanket.

Always go with that acoustic blanket whose NRC rating is high and who is thick, denser, and heavier. This blanket is effective for noise absorption which improves the sound quality in your room by reducing reverberation and echoes.
Nowadays these acoustic blankets come with grommets that’s why you can easily install them on the windows like curtains or you can also easily stick these blankets on the windows with the help of velcro.
👉 Use Laminated Glass On Your Window
Laminated glass is two-pane of glass, and a plastic layer is a sandwich between these two panes of glass. This plastic layer is made up of ethylene-vinyl acetate or polyvinyl butyral and these materials have great soundproofing properties which help to stop the sound.

The installation of this glass is quite difficult that’s why if you have the knowledge to replace these glass then only you work on it otherwise you can call a pro person to replace these glass.
👉 Use Double Glazing Window With Laminated Glass
A double glazing window is the two panes of glass installed in the same frame with some distance and such window is called a double glazing window.

A double glazing window is very effectively blocking the sound, especially when you use laminated glass in your double glazing window.
The gap in between these two glasses acts as a dead air zone and whenever sound waves entered this zone then they become idle there. Not only the gap, but two panes of glass also help in stopping the sound, and in this way double glazing window works effectively.
👉 Use Magnet-seal Soundproof Window Kit
This method is similar to window inserts but only the difference is that here you stick the acrylic glass to the wall frame with the help of magnetic tape This window kit includes the magnetic tape, screws, and metal L channel.

It doesn’t include an acrylic sheet, this sheet you have to obtain from the plastic sheet supplier. Basically, this sheet covers the window opening and knocks out annoying noise coming through the windows.
When you cover a window opening with the help of an acrylic sheet then there is always a gap in between the existing window and the acrylic sheet that gap is called the dead air zone which makes the sound waves idle.
Its installation process is very easy, first, you have to screw the metal L channel on the four corners of the window, and then apply magnetic tape on the four corners of the acrylic sheet that helps to hold the plastic sheet in place.
3. Soundproof A Floor
If you concern about the noise coming from the floor just below you then you need to soundproof your floor and here we are going to talk on the same topic. If you follow the below methods I assure you, you would make your floor soundproof easily.
👉 Use Carpet
Carpet is a good, and affordable stuff to make your floor soundproof. Nowadays carpet is also used to make the floor, wall, door, window as well as ceiling soundproof.

By using carpet you not only soundproof the floor but also you can protect your floor from any damages as well as you can also make the look of your room good. So by using this one blanket, you can enjoy all these three benefits.
Whenever you go for soundproofing then you should always select heavier, thicker, and denser carpet. You can use carpet on any floor whether it is a marble floor, concrete floor, wooden floor, or tile floor.
Basically, carpet is made up of soft material that’s why it absorbs the sound according to its NRC rating and the rest of the sound is reflected, so whenever you choose carpet for soundproofing the floor then always select high NRC rating carpet.
👉 Use Mass Loaded Vinyl
Soundproofing without MLV even we can’t think in dreams. MLV is also called a Limp mass barrier, which is made up of two materials, and that is Calcium Carbonate or Barium Sulphate and Vinyl.

MLV is sound barrier stuff. It is used to block the sound. It has a good STC rating which indicates that it is a good sound barrier. Its STC rating depends upon how thicker, denser, and heavier it is.
You can use the MLV not only on the wall, roof, floor, or door but also on some complex areas such as duct, pipe, and tank, etc. Its STC rating ranges as shown in the below image.

👉 Use Rubber Mat
A rubber mat is not only a sound blocker but also a good impact noise reducer stuff. A rubber mat is versatile stuff you can use on any floor whether it is a marble floor, concrete floor, wooden floor, or tile floor.

When you use it on the floor of your room then it doesn’t look aesthetically good that’s why always use carpet over it.
A rubber mat is cheaper than MLV but MLV is denser than a rubber mat because MLV is heavier in weight per square foot than a rubber mat and that is the reason that MLV is more effective than a rubber mat.

When you added a rubber mat to the floor then it means that you have added extra mass to your floor and adding extra mass is one of the principles of soundproofing, which helps to reduce the intensity of sound.
👉 Use Underlayment
Actually, its name indicates its function. It is generally laid under something. You can use this product for any nail-down or floating floor application. Usually, the thickness of this product is 1.8″. It reduces the intensity of airborne noise as well as structure-borne noise also.

Its STC rating is 66 and IIC rating is 71. You can also check its specification sheet here. It does not only reduce the intensity of noise but also its vapor barrier layer protects the overlying floors from harmful moisture.
👉 Add Additional Flooring
Additional flooring is used to enhancing the look of your floor. It also plays an important role in the reduction of noise that’s why nowadays additional flooring is also used to make the floor soundproof and for that, you can choose to install hardwood, tiles, floating floors, or laminate wood.

All the above options you can use to reduce airborne noise as well as also structure-borne noise reduction. For better soundproofing, you can use underlayment, MLV, or a rubber mat below the additional flooring.
The above materials not only help you in soundproofing the floor but also helps to protect your floor from moisture, mold, and mildew.
👉 Use Rockwool Insulation
Rockwool insulation is basically mineral wool insulation which is made up of basalt rock hence the name Rockwool insulation. Its honeycomb structure absorbs the sound effectively and stops the transmission of sound.

Rockwool has a high NRC rating, it stands between 0.7 to 0.95 it all depends upon how thicker, denser, and heavier it is. It is non-combustible, naturally hydrophobic with great fire-resistant properties.
The installation process of Rockwool is very easy.
If your subfloor is of timber floor then you have to pull out the subfloor and fill the joist cavity with Rockwool insulation and then after place the subfloor as it was. But here make sure that the hardboard is to be available at the bottom-most portion of the joist.
If your floor is concrete then you have to make the wooden joist structure on your concrete floor and then fit the Rockwool in that joist cavity then after you will have to cover it with the help of drywall.

In this way, you can make your floor soundproof.
4. Soundproof A Wall
Generally in an apartment’s walls are too thin as well as it also shared with another neighbor that’s why whatever noise or dance song happens in your neighborhood that voice is heard directly at your home and because of that your peace and your daily routine both disturbed.
And to get rid of them, you need to make your wall soundproof. So here we are discussing some effective methods of wall soundproofing that you can use easily and make your wall soundproof.
👉 Fill Up Empty Spaces

Empty spaces are the main source of the generation of echo and reverberation that’s why filling up empty spaces is very important. You can fill up that empty spaces with the help of furniture, couch, mirror, bookshelves, cloth hanger, and home appliances.
Actually what happens when one of your rooms is empty or if the walls of that room are empty then the sound waves hit those walls directly and bounce back to the source with more intensity causing an echo to be generated.
And to get rid of this, you need to fill your empty room and the empty walls of the room with the help of furniture, couch, bookshelves, mirror, and wall hanging portrait, etc.
👉 Filling Up Small Gaps, Holes And Cracks On The Wall
Any small gaps, holes, or cracks may ruin your soundproofing project, and your hard work, money, and time can all be wasted so filling the small gaps, cracks, and holes is very important.
Any small gaps, cracks, and holes may cause sound waves to easily pass through them. Because sound waves travel by air and air can easily pass through any small gaps, cracks, and holes that’s why it is very important to fill up any small gaps, cracks, or holes for better soundproofing results.
You can fill up that gaps with the help of a green glue compound. The green glue compound is the soundproofing compound that helps to reduce the sound.
👉 Use Acoustic Curtains
Acoustic curtains or soundproof curtains are generally used for window soundproofing but these curtains you can also use to soundproof your wall. Acoustic curtains are made of multi-layered fabric and it is used for multipurpose tasking.

Acoustic curtains effectively reduce noise. It does not completely block the sound but it reduces the intensity of sound up to 15 dB. This type of curtains not only reduces the sound but also blocks the sunlight and also prevents you from heat.
The installation of this process is very simple, you can simply hang these curtains on the rod or you can stick them to your wall with the help of Velcro.
👉 Use Acoustic Paint
Acoustic paint is one of the good options to make your wall soundproof. Acoustic paint not completely blocks the sound but reduces the sound by 2 dB per coat. You can apply max to max 3 to 4 coats for better soundproofing results.

Acoustic paint is made of vinyl acrylic which is also called latex. It is a very fast dryer, thicker, and water-based viscoelastic compound with the quality to minimizes sound and vibration.
This paint not only made to provide soundproofing but also made to provide thermal insulation. Some soundproofing fillers are added to this paint for enhancing its sound-absorbing properties and such fillers are called ceramic micro-spheres.
👉 Use Acoustic Foam
Actually acoustic foam works on the absorption principle. It absorbs the sound and makes the sound quality better, that’s why it is mostly used where good sound quality should be required.

The acoustic foam absorbs sound and reduces echo and reverberation by doing this it indirectly reduces sound. Its NRC rating is 0.8 but it varies, it depends upon its thickness, density, and how heavy it is.
This acoustic foam is readily available in the market and also it is very easy to install. Placing acoustic foam in the right location will reduce the quantity of foam so always place the acoustic foam in the right location.
👉 Use Soundproof Blankets
Yes, an acoustic blanket is yet another good option to make your wall soundproof. Its NRC rating is 0.8 which also depends on its thickness, density, and how heavy it is. Always select a high NRC rating acoustic blanket for better soundproofing results.

Acoustic blanket reduces the intensity of sound by absorbing the sound that’s why it is mostly used for soundproofing the door, window, walls, and ceiling. It also helps to reduce the echo and make the audio quality better.
Actually, there are two types of acoustic blankets are available in the market and that is Moving blanket and the second is Acoustic blanket so always go with an acoustic blanket. Nowadays acoustic blanket comes with grommets so that you can easily hang them on the rod.
👉 Use Acoustic Panels
An acoustic panel is a good option for making the wall soundproof. These panels are generally constructed with a wooden frame and these are then filled with sound-absorbing material like Rockwool, fiberglass, cellulose, open-cell foam, or a combination of, and then these wrapped with fabric.

The NRC rating of these panels is between 0.75 to 0.95, it all depends upon how denser and thicker it is. Always select a high NRC rating acoustic panel for better soundproofing results.
These panels work on the absorption principle of soundproofing. It absorbs sound and improves voice quality by reducing echo and reverberation, in this way it indirectly reduces noise. You can easily hang these panels on the walls by using screws and mounting brackets.
👉 Use Mass Loaded Vinyl
Mass-loaded vinyl is a good sound barrier that is used to block the sound. It is made up of polyvinyl chloride added with highly dense materials such as calcium carbonate.

It has a good STC rating between 20 to 32, It depends on how much lb (pound) MLV you are using. Always use higher STC rating MLV for better soundproofing results.
The installation of MLV is also very easy, you can apply MLV with the help of a green glue compound to your wall and then simply staple it with the help of an air stapler, now you have done.
Green glue compound is also a soundproofing compound so when you apply it in between two stuff then it also helps to reduce noise.
👉 Use Carpet
As we have seen we used carpet to soundproof the floor. In the same way, now you have to use carpet to make the wall soundproof. Carpet is made from soft material which absorbs sound, reduces echo, and makes your sound quality better, in this way it helps you to reduce noise.

For better soundproofing results always choose heavy, thicker, and denser carpet. The installation of carpet is also very simple you can staple it or glue it to your wall.
👉 Use Quiet-Rock Drywall Panel
Generally, quiet rock is made up of gypsum and viscoelastic materials. It is the combination of a number of layers of gypsum, and a viscoelastic polymer is sandwiched between these layers to create composite panels with varying thickness.

Where viscoelasticity is the property of the material that contains both viscous and elastic characteristics when undergoing deformation. Viscoelasticity is mostly used for reducing noise, isolating vibrations, and absorbing shock.
Quiet rock is designed to reduce airborne noise. Its STC rating is between 47 to 75, it all depends upon which type of quiet rock drywall do you use. There is a number of varieties are available in quiet rock, it depends on you which type of drywall requirement do you have and use according to that.
The installation of this panel is very simple, you can just glue it to your existing wall and screw it to your stud. For better soundproofing results always use a 5/8″ thick quiet rock drywall panel.
👉 Use Rockwool
Rockwool is the better option to soundproof a wall. This insulation helps effectively to reduce the transmission of sound due to its high NRC rating.

It does not only reduce the transmission of sound but also makes a good resistance to heat flow and that’s why its NRC rating and R-value are high.
Its honeycomb structure or pocket-like structure prevents the transmission of sound from one pocket to another. Generally, it is available in three varieties and that is,
- Comfort batt
- Comfort board
- Safe ‘n’ Sound
You can use any one of them as per your requirement.
The installation process of the Rockwool insulation is little bit difficult,
If you have to install it on the existing wall then you can stick it to your wall with the help of adhesive mortar or you can fasten it with the help of a metal fastener.
Or you can make the wooden stud structure to your wall and install Rockwool insulation in between these cavities of a stud then you staple the MLV on the stud and after that screw the resilient channel over the MLV with stud and then screw the drywall over the resilient channel.
Now you check the result if you are satisfied with the result then it’s ok. But if you are not satisfied with the result then apply another layer of drywall with the help of the green glue compound and then check the result again, I am sure you will be satisfied with the result.
👉 Use Resilient Channel
Resilient channel is a sturdy metal device that is made up of corrosion-resistant galvanized steel and also it is available in single and double legs.

Resilient channel is used to change the medium or to create the gap in between the two stuff which is called decoupling and you know very well that decoupling is one of the principles of soundproofing.
When you use maximum principles of soundproofing for your soundproofing project then you could able to reduce the maximum amount of sound. For this here we are using the decoupling principle of soundproofing.
When you create a decoupling zone then what happens is that air does idle in it and due to the idle air, many sound waves also become idle, and because of this, the intensity of sound is reduced.
The installation of the resilient channel is very simple you can screw it to your existing wall or stud then apply drywall over the resilient channel then check the result if you are satisfied then you have done.
If you are not satisfied with the result, then apply MLV over the drywall with the help of a green glue compound and staple it with the help of an air stapler, and then again apply another layer of drywall over this MLV with the help of screws. Then check the result again, I am sure you will be satisfied with the result.
5. Soundproof A Ceiling
Usually two types of sounds you hear below from the upper floor and that is structure-borne noise and air-borne noise and these noises disturb your peace.
If you concern about these noises then do not worry, here we are telling some important methods, if that you apply then you can definitely get rid of these noises.
👉 Use Carpet
Carpet is a soft material that absorbs the sound and makes the sound quality better in this way it helps to reduce the noise. Mostly carpet is used on the floor for enhancing the look of your room but due to its soundproofing properties, it is being used for soundproofing.
You can use carpet on your floor, walls, doors, and ceiling to reduce noise as well as improve the noise quality. It is a very effective, affordable, and readily available material.
Whenever you buying this product for soundproofing purposes then always select heavier, thicker, and denser carpet for better soundproofing results.
The installation of carpet is also very simple you can install it on your joist with the help of a stapler or you can stick it to your ceiling with the help of adhesive spray.
👉 Use Rockwool
Rockwool is the best option for making your wall, floor, and ceiling soundproof. It has a very good NRC rating which ranges between 0.7 to 0.95 according to the datasheet, it all depends upon how thicker, denser, and heavier it is.

Its mesh-type structure prevents the transmission of sound from going from one place to another. It is a very effective product to reduce the transmission of sound and that’s why its demand is more in the market than other products.
The installation of Rockwool is very simple you can adhere it to your ceiling with the help of adhesive mortar and fasten it with the help of a fastener.
Or you can make the wooden joist structure to your ceiling and fills that joist cavity with Rockwool insulation.
👉 Use Mass Loaded Vinyl
Mass-loaded vinyl is a good product for blocking sound. It does not only reduce the transmission of airborne sound but also reduces the transmission of structure-borne noise. Its STC rating is also good which depends upon its weight, how heavier, thicker and denser it is.

Its installation process is easy you can stick it to the ceiling with the help of a green glue compound or you can staple it with the help of an air stapler. But its aesthetically looks not good that’s why it will better to cover it with the help of carpet or drywall.
Or If you have a wooden joist structure to your ceiling then you can staple it with the help of an air stapler, but it aesthetically looks not good that’s why it will better to cover it with the help of carpet or drywall.
👉 Use Mutex Soundproofing Product
Mutex is a good product for soundproofing a wall, floor, door, and ceiling. Basically, it is used as an alternative to MLV.

Mutex Even though it is a product, but you get to see a combination of two qualities of soundproofing in it and that is absorption and blocking of sound and that’s because it is made up of the combination of Polymute resins and carbon weave.
Its Polymute resins are used to block the sound and carbon weave is used to absorb the sound. In this way, mutex helps to reduce the transmission of sound. The mutex has an STC rating of 32.
The mutex installation process is simple, you can install it to your ceiling with the help of a green glue compound, nail, or stapler. If you feel it’s not looking good then you can cover it with carpet or drywall.
Or If you have a wooden joist structure to your ceiling then you can staple it with the help of an air stapler, but if you feel it’s aesthetically not looking good then you can cover it with carpet or drywall.
👉 Use Quiet-Rock Drywall Panel
Quiet rock drywall is really a good option for making the wall, floor, and ceiling soundproof and this is understandable from its STC rating. Its STC rating is between 47 to 75 which is really good and it all depends upon how thicker, denser, and heavier it is.

Quiet rock drywall is a better sound blocker than other products. As we have seen this section in soundproofing of the wall which is just above this topic so you already know about it.
The installation of this panel is very simple, you can just glue it to your existing ceiling or you can screw it to your ceiling joist. For better soundproofing results always use a 5/8″ thick quiet rock drywall panel.
👉 Use Resilient Channel
A resilient channel is a sturdy metal device that is used to absorb the shock as well as to create the gap in between the two parts called decoupling. As we already used it in wall soundproofing so you already know about it.

Decoupling is one of the principles of soundproofing which is used to make the sound waves idle and resilient or hat channels are a good option for decoupling. In this way by using the resilient channel or hat channel you can reduce the noise.
The installation of the resilient channel is very simple you can screw it to your existing ceiling or joist then apply drywall over the resilient channel then check the result if you are satisfied then you have done.
If you are not satisfied with the result, then apply MLV over the drywall with the help of a green glue compound and staple it with the help of an air stapler, and then again apply another layer of drywall over this MLV with the help of screws. Then check the result again, I am sure you will be satisfied with the result.
👉 Use Green Glue Compound
The green glue compound is the damping compound, which is designed to decouple the two layers of rigid boards like drywall to reduce the transmission of sound and vibrations. It is an effective product, but don’t expect too much better results.

This green glue compound is easy to use. You can apply it in between the two layers of drywall for a better soundproofing result. But it takes around 30 days to dry if the weather conditions are normal.
The green glue compound is not an adhesive material, and it does not hold the two rigid boards together, so always apply screws to hold the two rigid boards together in place, even though if you have applied the green glue compound.
So this is all about how to soundproof a room in an apartment, if you want to soundproof a room then you can apply these given methods and make your room soundproof.
Hope this article “how to soundproof a room in an apartment” will help you in the right direction.