Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020

Drywall is a wall or panel-like a brick wall or stone wall. If you want to divide a room, drywall is the best option. Here we explained the best way to clean up drywall dust.

Drywall is used in the construction of interior walls and ceilings. You can use it as your normal wall as well as you can also hang heavy pictures on drywall.

Drywall is essentially a modern alternative to hand-applied wall plaster. Drywall is also used for soundproofing or sound blocking or sound deadening purposes.

Do you know drywall has different names?

Yes, you are right drywall is also known as wallboard, plasterboard, sheetrock, buster board, gypsum board, custom board, or gypsum panel.


Gyptool Drywall Lift Panel

Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020


Idealchoice Drywall Lift

Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020


Telpro Drywall Lift Panel

Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020

Drywall is a panel made of calcium sulfate dihydrate (gypsum) for more information you can also check Wikipedia. Mostly drywall comes in four different types Regular, Mold resistant, Moisture resistant, and Fire resistant.

When we start the drywall installation, or renovation, or repairing work, then the entire room or house becomes dusty. It is very necessary to remove the dust from the room or home for further work.

If we were to try to paint these walls without cleaning the dust, then this loose dust causes serious paint adhesion and it would actually peel off the walls. So our money, time, and efforts would waste that’s why cleaning is a very important step.

It is very clear that you should not apply the mud, paint, or even waterproofing also, over drywall before cleaning. Want to know more about waterproofing then read this post on how to waterproof drywall.

Before starting the cleaning, some cleaning tools you required for the best way to clean up drywall dust so make sure of the availability of the following cleaning tools.


Drywall Mop

Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020



Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020


Vent Blower (if required)

Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020

7 Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust

Here step by step guide for the best way to clean up drywall dust

Step 1

Make sure the electric appliances like tv, fridge, heating, ventilation and air conditioning system are off and cover all your devices.

best way to clean up drywall dust

Cover all your devices is very important otherwise one of the parts of your devices may damage due to dust and cause of this your device may not work.

Note: If your site is new or there are not any home appliances available on your site then you do not need to follow this step.

Step 2

open all the windowsopen all the windows

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open all the windows

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Open all the windows so that when you start cleaning then dust gets out through these windows.

Step 3

Wear your safety apron, safety spray sock, safety shoes, safety hand gloves, and respirator. If you do not have a respirator then kindly wear a dust mask and safety goggles.


Safety Apron

Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020


Safety Face Mask

Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020


Respirator (OR)

Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020


Dust Mask

Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020


Safety Goggle

Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020


Safety Hand Gloves

Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020


Safety Shoes

Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020


Safety Ladder

Best Way To Clean Up Drywall Dust 2020

Step 4

Now start the mopping process. In this process, the dry mop is used to clean the drywall by wiping the mop-up and down over the drywall. This will remove most of the dust from the drywall.

best way to clean drywall dust

So now you have to mop you all done and that’s just a dry mopping process it’s not using a wet mop it’s a dry mop. Ceilings typically never are sanded so we don’t need to worry about mopping the ceilings.

Recently asked Q: How to fix hairline cracks in drywall ceiling.

Step 5

By using the blower, we will blow all the remaining dust on the drywall here.

best way to clean up drywall dust

When you will be doing this process make sure all the windows are opened so dust can just blow out these windows get the bulk of this mud dust out of here.

Note: If you have a good capacity of exhaust fan then placed it on one of the windows. Before starting the blower start the exhaust fan (vent blower) first and then after that you start the blower so all the dust gets out through this window.  

Step 6

Now vacuum the floor with the help of a vacuum cleaner. Do not wipe the floor with a dry cloth if you do so the dust of the floor will again be accumulated on the wall.

[Do you want to know]: The best primer to cover drywall imperfections

Step 7

Now here wipe the drywall with the help of a damp cloth so the dust that sticks to the drywall, that dust is easily removed with the help of a damp cloth.

Now your drywall is ready for primer. When it comes to a primer then always go with the best primer for new drywall or if you want to hide minor drywall imperfections then you should go with the high build primer.

If you want to know more about primer or you want to drill down the primer then visit this post do I need to prime drywall before tiling here you will get detailed information about primer.

Final Wording

I hope here you got to know the best way to clean up drywall dust. So keep your drywall clean by following these 7 simple steps.

And keep it ready for further processes like priming, mudding (want to know how long does drywall mud take to dry then visit this post), and painting. if you want to be tile your drywall then visit this post Can I tile over painted drywall.

After painting, you can decorate your drywall by hanging wall decors, pictures, mirrors, and so many things. Want to hang heavy pictures on drywall and you do not know how to hang heavy pictures on drywall then check this post.

Here I have a bonus tip. I think if you follow the below tip, somewhere it minimizes your work.

Use a canvas drop cloth to cover the floor where you sanding or cutting the drywall and throw away whatever dust remains on the drop cloth after work.

Hope this post “best way to clean up drywall dust” will guide your renovations project in the right direction. If you have any questions, suggestions or tips then type them in the comment section. We welcome your tips, questions, and suggestions.

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