How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques

Drywall is the most useful indoor building material in the USA. It is made up of mostly gypsum which is a very porous material. It is easy to available, easy to handle, and easy to work.

[Must Read]: How to hang heavy pictures on drywall.

Majorly the cracks are divided into two parts, one is minor cracks and the second one is heavy cracks. So before jumping on to the “how to fix hairline cracks in drywall ceiling” let’s see what is drywall cracks.

Drywall Cracks

Drywall cracks are the indication of a structural fault that a landlord might notice. These cracks develop on the weakest portion of the drywall or any kind of wall. Usually, it may occur above the window or doors.

If the cracks are minor then there are no major concerns. But if the drywall cracks larger than 1/8 inch wide or recurring cracks are the sign of significant structural concerns and that should be addressed as early as possible.


Gyptool Drywall Lift Panel

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Idealchoice Drywall Lift

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Telpro Drywall Lift Panel

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques

These major cracks are due to the framing deterioration, improperly sized or connected framing, interior support piers, and settled foundation slabs and walls,

Repairing these cracks for last long results involves permanently stabilizing or reinforcing the supporting structural elements. 

And the minor cracks are usually due to the weather conditions which is not a sign of major concerns. So let’s see how to fix hairline cracks in the drywall ceiling.

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How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques
How to fix hairline cracks in drywall ceiling

As you saw above that minor cracks related to seasonal changes are usually not indications of major concerns. So you can repair hairline cracks in drywall without any hesitation by following the few easiest steps.

  1. Necessary tools
  2. Requirement of materials
  3. Cover up all appliances
  4. Use safety devices
  5. Drywall hairline cracked area scraping
  6. Drywall hairline cracked area sanding
  7. Inspection
  8. Apply primer to the hairline cracked area
  9. Apply mud on the hairline cracked area
  10. Lay a new tape on the hairline cracked area 
  11. Spread another coat of mud over the new tape 
  12. Sand the repaired area

Let us see the above steps one by one in brief,

Step 1. Necessary Tools 🔧

For repairing the hairline crack of drywall ceiling you need some tools, so the list of the tools which we required are as below,


Drywall Mud Pan

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Drywall Mud Knife

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Level Gauge

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Joint Compound Mixer

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Measurement Tape

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques



How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Drywall Pole Sander

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Drop Cloth

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Drywall Hand Sander

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Variable Speed Drywall Sander

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques

Step 2. Requirement Of Materials

Before starting the work it is very important that to find out which and how much materials do you require for completing this work.

That’s why first take out the estimate of which and how much material will you require for completing the work. According to your estimate, make available the materials on-site and then you can start the work.

Here we have taken out the list of some materials which you will require, so have a look,


All Purpose Joint Compound (OR)

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Easy Sand (optional)

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Zinsser Bulls Eye Primer (OR)


Rustoleum Primer Spray

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Drywall Joint Tape

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques

Step 3. Make Invisible All Home Appliances

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques

Wherever you start this work, first Make invisible all home appliances by covering the drop cloth over the equipment or if possible move the home appliances to the other area. So that your devices are not damaged because of the dusty job.

Step 4. Safety Measures For How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling

Always wear safety devices like safety goggles, gloves, masks, and safety shoes. Which type of safety devices should you wear, it totally depends on which type of work do you do so always wear safety devices according to your work.

Because it protects yourself from any hazard, so always work with safety measures. Here we have found out the list of some safety equipment which you will require, so have a look,


Respirator (OR)

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Dust Mask

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Safety Goggle

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Safety Hand Gloves

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Safety Shoes

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques


Safety Ladder

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques

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Step 5. Drywall Hairline Cracked Area Scraping

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques

Use a drywall knife to scrape off the texture around an area about 3 to 4 inches wider than the damaged area. Ensure there is no loose texture available.    

Now you are just a few steps away to complete this post, so stay tuned with how to fix hairline cracks in the drywall ceiling.

Step 6. Drywall Hairline Cracked Damaged Area Sanding

Sand the scraped area with the help of 100 to 120 grit sandpaper until there is no peeling paint or loose texture. Clear the drywall crack with the help of a drywall knife.

After sanding clean the drywall with the help of a mop before priming. If you want to know how to clean drywall then check out this post best way to clean up drywall dust.

Step 7. Inspection

Check there is no peeling paint or loose texture available. There should not be any movement in the drywall or no vibration around. There should not be any leakage of water.

Drywall attachments should always be firm or rigid.  

Step 8. Apply Primer To The Damaged/Cracked Area

Always apply a coat of best primer 3 to 4 inches wider than the damaged/cracked area with the help of a paintbrush or you can apply a primer spray over it and let that dry. 

[Read]: Do I need to prime drywall before tiling.

Step 9. Apply Mud On The Damaged/Cracked Area

Use the premixed bucket of drywall mud or you can use a quick setting type compound. Mix it according to the instructions given over the bag until you didn’t get the consistency like peanut buttery.

Take the mud in your drywall pan and load your drywall knife with mud and apply it across the drywall crack. Want to know which is the best joint compound then visit this post best joint compound for skim coating.

This means if your drywall crack is horizontal then apply mud in the verticle direction and vice versa. Then move your drywall knife along the direction of the drywall crack to make sure a thin coat of mud over there.

Note: If you use self-adhesive fiber mesh tape then you won’t need to apply mud before taping, so you can ignore this step.

[Did you know]: How to texture drywall with a roller and mud.

Step 10. Lay A New Tape On The Damaged/Cracked Area Of Drywall

Lay the new paper tape/self-adhesive fiber mesh tape on the cracked area where you just applied the drywall mud.

But before laying you just dunk this paper tape into the water, and then you put this tape to the cracked/damaged area by doing this it adheres firmly and bubble-free.

Now move your drywall knife over and along the direction of the tape and wipe out the excessive mud and it repeats once again and let that mud dry overnight. 

Note: If you use self-adhesive fiber mesh tape then you can save your two steps and that is

1. You won’t need to apply mud before taping because it is self-adhesive fiber mesh tape, so after priming you can directly put this self-adhesive fiber mesh tape over the cracked/damaged area.

2. And the second is you won’t need to dunk the drywall tape into the water before applying.

Step 11. Spread Another Coat Of Mud On The New Tape Of The Damaged Area

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques

Now spread another thin coat of mud over the drywall paper tape/self-adhesive mesh tape with the help of a wider drywall knife makes it easier to flatten the edges into the wall and make a flat seam. Let that mud dry. 

If you are curious about, how much time mud takes to dry then check out this post how long does drywall mud take to dry.

After drying, sand it with the drywall sander and then spread another/final coat of topping mud and then let that mud dry overnight. 

Bonus tip: For a smoother and good finish always apply the final coat of topping mud

Step 12. Sand The Repaired Area

How To Fix Hairline Cracks In Drywall Ceiling: 12 Secret Techniques

Sand the repaired area with the help of 100 to 120 grit sandpaper after the final coat of mud dried completely. Wipe out the sanded area with a dry cloth and apply two coats of primer over it.

Apply a second coat of primer only when the first coat of primer dries completely. Now your drywall repaired area is ready for the color coat. If you want to know more about primer then read this post painting drywall without primer.

Apply 2 coats of color over there with the help of a roller as well as a brush but you can apply the second coat only when the 1st coat of color is completely dried and apply another coat if necessary.

Bonus tip: Always use a quick setting type compound for patch repairing work or if you have to complete your work in a day because it dried soon.

Remember do not use quick setting type compound for skim coating purposes.

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Now here you came to know that how to fix hairline cracks in drywall ceiling. So now you can fix a hairline crack in the drywall ceiling very easily by following these few easy steps. 

Hope this post “how to fix hairline cracks in drywall ceiling” will guide your renovations project in the right direction. If you have any questions, tips, or suggestions then type them in the comment section. We welcome your tips, questions, and suggestions.

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