Nowadays noise pollution is increasing day by day that’s why the soundproof box has come into the picture. There are different uses of this box, someone uses it for sound recording, someone uses it for blocking equipment noise, and someone uses it for blocking the barking noise of their dog.
This article is all about how to make a soundproof box and here we will guide you step by step that how to make a soundproof box on your own, so let’s start
How To Make A Soundproof Box
Here we will make a soundproof box by using the three soundproof principles and that is Mass, Damping, and Absorption.
Mass is for blocking the noise, Damping is to convert the sound energy into heat and Absorption is for making the sound quality better by reducing echo and reverberation.
So here we will use MLV as a mass, Green glue as a damping compound, and Acoustic Foam as an absorptive material. By using these three soundproof principles you can make your box enough soundproof.
How to make a soundproof box, for that you have to follow the steps given below
Step 1. Collect The Materials Required
The following materials are required for how to make a soundproof box,
- Cardboard box (size as per your requirement)
- Scissor/Cutter
- Utility knife
- Adhesive (Green glue)
- Mass loaded vinyl (MLV)
- Acoustic foam
- T-Square or Straight edge
Collect the quantity and size of the materials as per your requirement.
Remember one thing is that if you want to make a soundproof box for equipment then you have to find a wooden box as per the size of your equipment, always go with the greater size because soundproof materials will consume some space of the box.
And if you want to make a box for your recording to reduce echo and to make your audio quality better then you go with the cardboard box. This box is readily available at affordable prices on Uhaul dot com.
Step 2. Preparation Before Insulation

Take a cardboard box and make sure one side of the box should be open. If there is a flap available to your box then cut it with the help of a cutter or scissor.

Now cut the mass-loaded vinyl and acoustic foam according to your box size. When cutting the MLV or Foam, use a T-square so that the MLV or Foam can be cut into a similar shape.

You have to cut at least 5 pieces of each because the square box has a total of 6 sides and from that, we are keeping one side of the box open that’s why we will require 5 pieces of each from MLV and foam.
If your foam size is smaller than your box size then you have to cut the second foam according to the free space available after placing the first foam and then you have to place this second foam over the free space available.

Now you are ready for insulation
Step 3. Time To Insulate
Now its the time of insulation, hope you will ready with all the materials,
First, we will apply MLV to each inner side of the box, so apply green glue on the backside of MLV and now you have to place this MLV on one of the inner sides of the box and now you will have to press it gently so that it sticks well.
In this way complete all the 4 verticle sides first and then apply them to the bottom side of the box.
Remember first we will complete the 4 vertical sides of the box and then we will apply it on the bottom side of the box.
Step 4. Insulate Box With Acoustic Foam
Now take acoustic foam and apply green glue on the backside of the acoustic foam and stick it to one of the verticle sides of the box and press it gently so that it sticks well.
In this way complete all the 4 verticle sides first and then apply acoustic foam to the bottom side of the box.

Here your soundproof box is ready now you can place the microphone inside this box and you can start your recording.
Final Wording
Here we have learned how to make a soundproof box by using the three principles of soundproofing. This box not only blocks ambiance noise but also reduces echo and makes your audio quality better.
Here we have used mass-loaded vinyl as a mass that prevents the sound from coming in and going out, Green glue as a damping compound that converts sound energy into heat, and Foam as an absorptive material that absorbs the noise and prevents it from reverberation.
Hope this post “how to make a soundproof box” will help you in the right direction.